City of angels

(“A Beautiful Palm Drive, California,” an image of LA courtesy of the Northern California chapter of the Palm Society.)

(Photo courtesy of the
Los Angeles architectural photo gallery.)
Welcome back, y’all: I turned up the volume and pressed “repeat.”I’m a vampire, babe, suckin’ blood from the earth.
I’m a vampire, baby, suckin’ blood from the earth.
Well, I’m a vampire, babe, sell you twenty barrels worth.I’m a black bat, babe, bangin’ on your window pane.
I’m a black bat, baby, bangin’ on your window pane.
Well, I’m a black bat, babe, I need my high octane.Good times are comin’, I hear it everywhere I go.
Good times are comin’, I hear it everywhere I go.
Good times are comin’, but they sure comin’ slow.
Postscript: I had forgotten to mention that the climactic scene in Curtis Hanson's L.A. Confidential—the shootout at the Victory Motel—is filmed on a set constructed in Baldwin Hills: the nodding donkeys are visible as the protagonists approach and leave the complex. [cws::07 June]
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